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Register to Become a Member Today

  • A thriving and growing engaged community of business leaders, executives, and professionals who build relationships and make connections that last.
  • No hard selling or aggressive sales pitches!
  • A diverse membership base that includes professionals from a wide range of sectors that can add real value to your business.
  • Fortnightly meetings on Tuesday evenings at The Bell Inn, Stilton, an iconic 15th Century coaching inn famed for its beautiful buildings and décor, its AA Rosette restaurant, and its exceptional service and hospitality.
  • Regular guest and keynote speakers who share their knowledge, insight, and learnings on a range of topical and relevant subjects to help you grow and develop.
  • Listing and access to the exclusive members only online directory, where you can promote your business and find contact details and learn about other members and their businesses.
  • Invitations to a future schedule of brilliant social events, from golf days to club dinners.
  • Regular Club newsletters sent to all members highlighting the successes and achievements of our group. Also opportunities for members to contribute articles for inclusion in the newsletter and blogs.
  • Membership of the Club’s LinkedIn and social media groups.

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