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Together we are stronger

About The Original Business Club

Peterborough-based membership only group for business owners and leaders.

The Original Business Club

The Original Business Club is a Peterborough-based membership only group for business owners / leaders, executives, and professionals who share a passion for learning, developing, connecting, and socialising with one another.

Unlike many other groups and business networks, our focus is not on hard selling or sales pitches, but instead on building lasting relationships and strong connections within the thriving business community in Peterborough and the surrounding area.

We believe that the community is stronger together, and we can develop and learn from one another. To accelerate and achieve this, we host a brilliant range of guest and keynote speakers at our regular fortnightly gatherings at The Holiday Inn, Peterborough, and have a programme of social events throughout the year.

In addition, all our members are listed in our exclusive online directory, providing easy access to a wide range of businesses and contacts for members to access.

We actively reach out to, and connect with, a diverse range of businesses in the local area, and carefully monitor the composition of the Club to ensure there is a wide spectrum of industries and services included.

The Original Business Club was established in 2020 by experienced and knowledgeable business founders and professionals, each of whom were previous members of The Business Club, first established in 1992.

To find out more about the history of the group, and why it’s called The Original Business Club, go to the History page.

The people behind the Club

Our Team

The Original Business Club was established in 2021 by experienced and knowledgeable Peterborough-based business founders and professionals, each of whom were previous members of The Business Club, first established in 1992.

Read about them and the rest of the team behind the Club here:

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